Someone just asked me, "Which is your favourite event of Thrissur Pooram?"
For me, Pooram is one whole big event. Picking up a favourite part of it consumes more time than Pooram itself.

To take it or drop, is his discretion. But I'll definitely do justice in passing it on to my successive generations.
This is not an ambition or a goal actually. I'm a little particular that the kids should know about their roots well and find time to participate in it along with their 'ambitions'. In our generation, people are being tourists in their motherland. I find that pathetic. Not that I'm against the idea of finding fortune from afar your motherland. My idea is not to abandon the roots and as you aim the heights.
It's also painful and annoying the way some people keep their children away from all these and eventually, as they grow up they start looking down upon these events, traditions and beliefs as if something so primitive and alien. It is never about becoming superstitious. We are so rich in traditions and art. There are infinite forms of art that carry a purpose and moves in tandem to be called a tradition. Why not we teach our children to first admire and then appreciate the brilliant forms of arts first. I also believe that parents can mould a better citizen than teachers. It should start from within the four walls of your house.
It can be difficult at times to carry this luggage of your 'origin' as you climb the heights. But, trust me, from a different dimension, that practice will gift your success a coat of satisfaction. Because, end of the day, in the city/country you choose to live in, you are an expat. And when you return to native, make sure you or your children are not titled as a new neighbour.
So in that way, our successive generations have a lot more inherited properties than the monetizable assets. Let us teach them to be proud of their origin.
My view!
My perspective!