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This blog is just an endeavor to pen and share some episodes of my life and some waves of thoughts that hit me. Please don’t mistake that you can study me as a whole in here. I’m sorry, for I too have many things to be kept reserved either within my family schema or within my psyche. But whatever that have been scribbled in this sunless sky is true. I promise.

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Here mentations are drifting into a sunless sky...and I named it “Aphorisms”….Keep reading…


Monday, February 7, 2011


2011 is now a little more than a month old. Though it’s only one twelfth of its size, 2011 was capable enough to move me to Pontianak, the Equator City of Indonesia being a part of a team of two. Another two months to spare. Another two months without the wind that comes caressing the banyan leaves, without the DHUP DHUP of my bullet, without the “we are the robots” the curtain raiser song of Georgettan's Ragam movie hall, without all other happiness’s of all sizes that that 2 kilometer circled town called Thrissur releases when she opens her arms wide to welcome me.
The people here in this part of the world, were celebrating the Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year) holidays. Those three days holiday were some sort of an imprisonment. More than an irony it’s funny referring those days as imprisonment. For here, we have all the stylish kind of lifestyle; except the net…the web…the World Wide Web. It’s being delayed because of the holiday here.
It’s a complete isolation in this 21th century earth to live a day without the Internet. I was just wondering how the sapiens survived without the internet and the mobile phones even less than a score ago. And especially in this country, I think people might even survive even without food, water, air, clothes or shelter. But the case would have been entirely difficult for this most loving and caring civilization to live a day without Blackberry phones and Facebook. I have often felt that the younger generation of this country would be considering the discovery of the Blackberry mobiles as the third vital discovery ever happened in the history of mankind next after the discovery of fire and wheel.
Generations are now born into the web, entangling them right from the time of birth. Hmm, but these few days without the web have unleashed a good and perhaps a great revelation in me. But it can stand only as a revelation. It can’t rule me…for me too, like all others around me is entangled in this Web. Staying away is not a way to get rid of it.
But I too don’t feel like blaming me for this addiction. I also love this web, the place where everything that you think of is just a click away. That Enter key on your keyboard and the left button on your mouse represents everything known to man; everything beneath, within, above and around the sun…everything….simply everything… 

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