As wished last month, this was a month of some brilliant additions to my Page on Facebook. November also saw two complete retirements and one retirement declaration. One among the retired was Sachin Tendulkar, from his cricketing career and the other two are my from their bachelor life. One got married and one was engaged.
Reading never happened. But I was fortunate enough to get a trip to Kanyakumari and Trivandrum. This was actually an under-planned extension clubbed with Deepak’s wedding. But, unplanned moments turn out to be the best ones. This trip also was one of those kinds with many twists and turns hidden within. This time also I carried a book with me. But like always, not a page was turned. I never get the drive to read while travelling. True that being in a moving vehicle entices me to read. But, not someone else’s, I read those unwritten lines of my own unwritten book.
Wow!! That’s a dream!! What could it be about? Will it be a fiction, or something spiritual or something like an autobiography? No idea! Ablosulutely! Mind sometime is like a shore, caressed by tiny snippets of ideas/subjects, while sometimes like a desert. Something might show up some day. I hope..
But anyways, one thing rediscovered was that travelling is the best strategy to accumulate photographs. December too have some booked dates. Really looking forward for that.
So many to books to read, so many to write, so many movies to watch, so many places to see and so many photographs to be taken and so little time.
November’s page was perhaps the most quickly flicked one of the 2013 calendar so far. Let us see how fast December is.
Welcome 2013’s showstopper!!