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This blog is just an endeavor to pen and share some episodes of my life and some waves of thoughts that hit me. Please don’t mistake that you can study me as a whole in here. I’m sorry, for I too have many things to be kept reserved either within my family schema or within my psyche. But whatever that have been scribbled in this sunless sky is true. I promise.

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Here mentations are drifting into a sunless sky...and I named it “Aphorisms”….Keep reading…


Friday, March 12, 2010

Death – A Revelation so beautiful…

Teacher’s death… I think that was what made the face of Death look more beautiful for me. Even many movies, talks and articles have played some role in making Death as one of my most fascinating subjects. I don’t know why people are so afraid. Why say people..?? Even I was just the same. Even I had a very dull color for Death in my mind. These false thoughts, is like a river that started flowing form time unidentified through the generations born and dead. And it’s still flowing. It’s now more contaminated. It is gaining strength by each passing generation.

It is true that Death brings loses to those left over by the dead. It happens at any stage of life. For some it may happen when life has just begun blossoming. He may not visit someone who is waiting for him. Hence, some so called philosophers defines him as a “Clown without the sense of scene”.

But, I don’t exactly know how and when. It can be my nuttiness to think and speak so. The mass may not accept it. I know. But, Death is also an Angel sent from a place unknown, separating us from our physical form of existence. Why do we need to be afraid of it? Actually he is the real hero. He is the one who gives us a realization that there is still something on the face of Mother Earth that is unstoppable by the Homo sapiens.

It is just a divergence. May be, who knows..?? If it’s our birth into a better world. Or can we actually consider this as the world of only those who are alive? How mighty could be their strength when compared to those of the living ones?

Man has everything. He has conquered everything above and below the sun. He has cracked unanswered questions of murders happened 3000 years ago. He started to remodel the face of mother earth. But the masterpiece of the Last Who... remains a monopoly - Death.

There is no discovery that can stop him. A brilliant masterpiece indeed. I don’t know if anyone can agree with me. I also won’t demand that. Most of us imagine him as something caused due to evil doing on earth. Something that comes in the night’s darkness to steal life. I exactly don’t know when I started. But, I liked to give Him different attire. Just think like how I’m going to say. I’m sure you will also be fearless. No one has seen him, no one has touched him, you can’t predict his arrival but everyone knows him. Perhaps pretty well. Like a real hero. The final unexpected guest of our life. Can come in any form. I feel him as a hero. The final form a hero.

It is a great phenomenon. You can’t call it annihilation. It is just a separation. I have heard many atheists orating. There is nothing called soul, it’s just a superstitious idiocy and so on. But, let me ask. Is there any markable difference between one who is dead man and one who is alive? An energy is there, which when lost we call him dead. For instance, this world calls me Varun only until I have the ability to breathe. When that energy is taken out of my body, it’s just a mass of flesh, blood and bones. Then the name becomes Dead Body. They ask, is the body cremated? No one will ask is Varun cremated. We all have this awareness in an unknown corner of our subconscious state of mind. You can’t call it a thing or substance because it’s a form of energy. For those energy to prevail on earth it is given a body and a name...like all the other forms of energy is given a name, the energy within us...no, the real we, are called SOUL.

Souls Exists?

We all fear that which we cannot understand. The tales of spirits have flowing down from generation to generation, as haunting and unknown creatures lurking in the dark. Today we like to think we are more intelligent than that, and to believe in spirits is nonsense and crazy talk! Do spirits exist? Is there any proof? There is another question, is there any proof that spirits DO NOT exist?

If we want to discuss this on a scientific and rational basis then we should think about what Einstein said when he spoke of human beings and the process of life and Death.

Einstein observed that human beings are made up of energy, and this energy is constantly moving. That which we may think of as solid matter is, in reality not solid at all! Between every molecule is energy, moving, even if we cannot see it. Everything is moving at speeds accelerated beyond what the eyes can see, energy is constant.

Now if we all comprehend that, then we must agree that since energy does not stop, than even after the Death of the body, that same energy is still in existence. It does not need any proof as it is self-evident. Through a process of Self-enquiry one comes to understand its nature. This process is one of negating all objective concepts and to continually ask oneself "who am I?" Am I the body? The senses? The thoughts? Etc, once all objectivity has ceased what remains is pure subjective Self — that is Soul.

What some may call a spirit others may call energy force, and so, it is all the words you use. No one stops to think. See how beautiful the concept is.

There is nothing to fear in it. Only the dead body can pass negative energy. When the soul was there in that body it could have been your favorite person. When it’s gone you fear the body. Which clearly states that what was within was the positive form. It is a proved science. But nobody wants to believe it.

After all this writing I can hear the ‘energy’ in me making a petite odd prayer... “Oh God!! ...” No, I'm not saying it. Let there be something on tenterhooks. In a Shyamaprasad style of storytelling, I'm leaving it to you...

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