Welcome My Dear World…!!!

This blog is just an endeavor to pen and share some episodes of my life and some waves of thoughts that hit me. Please don’t mistake that you can study me as a whole in here. I’m sorry, for I too have many things to be kept reserved either within my family schema or within my psyche. But whatever that have been scribbled in this sunless sky is true. I promise.

All the inhabitants of Mother Earth are free to view this blog and post their critics, observations and suggestions.

Here mentations are drifting into a sunless sky...and I named it “Aphorisms”….Keep reading…


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Moment.

One evening I was sitting in the balcony of our house (which my colleagues and I took for rent near our office) guzzling a not-so-glorious cup of black tea wondering what on earth to write about; scrolling through the photos in my laptop with my mind waiting for some inspiration to give a spark... I was even getting the inkling of a great topic discussing the difference between "patience" and "messing about wasting time".

Then, as my fingers roaming aimlessly caressing the key on my laptop keyboard what to spin out of those alphabets, I happened to look up from my paper and there it was smack in front of me …..a young woman of about 30-ish going past me in her car, slowing down to go over the speed bump directly in front of me. I was sitting on a terrace so had a view straight into her car. But what about this very typical scene on any road was any different that it stopped my heart for a second? Well, she was laughing so loud and so gleefully and so juicily that I was compelled to laugh too . . . good job my mouth wasn't full of black tea at that exact moment as I am prone to shrieking with laughter always with my mouth full. It took me less than half a second to realize that she was actually looking at her baby strapped in the front seat (picture the baby's face facing toward the rear of the passenger chair with its back to front windscreen, in full view of the mom).

THE MOMENT was there . . . the simplicity, connection and energy contained in her laugh. These two souls were so in the moment that nothing else mattered. Deeply joyous and whole-heartedly BEING with themselves and each other. I could feel the positive energy bouncing off the car as they bounced over the bump. It touched me in that moment. So much so that I needed to write about it as my cells responded to being witness. That deep, unmistakable laughter was so pure when it came from the bottom of her tummy and curled my mouth upwards so that I was laughing too.

A beautiful life is made up of these simple, moment by moment, moments. 

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